Lord, C. (2006). Rules . New York: Scholastic Press. ISBN 978-1-4287-3809-6 (Follett bdg.) Plot Summary: Summer just started, her best friend is in California visiting her dad, and a new girl her age just moved next door. Catherine has a younger brother, David, that has Autism. Catherine is torn between the life she wishes she had, with a “non broken” brother, and her current life where she is her brother’s protector. Her family doesn’t always see the problem with his disability, but as a way to help him in different aspects in life, she has created a book of rules. Rules that David doesn’t understand, at at times, he doesn’t know that they are not set in stone. She befriends Jason, a boy her age, in the OT facility waiting room where her brother goes for his therapy, while helping him with creating word cards that he uses to communicate with others. Jason sees past her excuse of not dancing when she declines his invitation to attend a dance at the communi...