Screencasts A screencast is a video that is made that shows the viewer the screen that the author/creator is looking at while also narrating it. Screencast videos are a great way for people to share instructional videos with others. There are many types of learners and in this age of digital learning, a screencast video is a good way to present information for all learners, visual, auditory, and tactile, as all 3 types can practice the task their way. With the Coronavirus shutting down gatherings and closing schools down, teachers everywhere are doing their teaching online, from elementary to college, and screencasts are great ways to deliver step by step instructions to their students. There are several platforms to use to create screencast videos. Jing (now to be Screencast) by TechSmith Jing was one platform that can be used to create screencast videos. Upon starting to research the different platforms/applications I could use for this, I learned that...