YA Lit Textbook ch 1 review

Chapter 1-Why do we share literature with children?
The reasons why literature should be shared are numerous. Dr. Lesesne & Dr. Perry give 9 reasons, and honestly as teachers we could probably have even more. They list: books are fun, they help with language acquisition, books allow readers to learn empathy, they support life long learners, readers can read autobiographically, they can read for vicarious experiences, read for philosophical speculation, read for aesthetic purposes, and to transmit culture.  There were numerous charts, images, and studies were shared and referenced during their chat, these resources are available on a “slideshare” link posted with the description of the video. The professors mention a “Why you should read 20 minutes everyday with your child at home?” and share a copy of it on the slideshare link. The reading for vicarious experiences allow readers to get to do the things they wouldn’t normally do, or they want to do. This allows students to deal with consequences of actions, whether they may be good or bad; and how to deal with the consequences. Allowing readers to use books as mirrors and read autobiographically AND as windows to see parts of worlds that are still unknown to them.

Take Away

I enjoyed the set up of this chat, as it seemed that I was having a bit of a conversation with 2 other like minded teachers.  Their passion and drive to make sure that we become the best media specialists for ALL students is so contagious. Some of the points were things I’ve heard in the past, but the majority were so new to me. I made sure to really put myself in the mindset of being a teacher/media specialist for older students and those reading MG & YA books.  This was very eye opening for me. I have done the majority of my teaching in primary, so working with students older than that is still very new to me. While the take-aways I am able to use in the library NOW, are great, I really like having the data, and resources that the professors named for any of teachers and admin personnel that may be reluctant in things we may suggest or do in our libraries.  Also, the “Reading 20 minutes at home” chart is such a good thing to share with parents throughout the year, I also noticed that for the Spring 2019 Scholastic Book Fair, they offered bags to all Book Fair host sites that the chart printed on the bags! Readers need windows & mirrors is such a great way for students to experience the world we live in, they need to see how others experience things to help them be able to form their own ideas and ways to experience life themselves.  


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