Universal Design for Learning

Universal Design for Learning

“The UDL Guidelines are a tool used in the implementation of Universal Design for Learning, a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn. (http://udlguidelines.cast.org/)”  The tool is a chart that has different means with guidelines and goals for learning. I like the web version of the chart as it is interactive and will take the viewer to pages that give more details and great examples. 

A couple of things from the UDL chart that I already do and feel comfortable with are:
Means of Representation, Access Guideline 1 Perception. Interact with flexible content that doesn't depend on a single sense like sight, hearing, movement, or touch.
When I create lessons I make sure that I have different tasks or ways for students to “receive” the information I share. I understand that there are different types of learners in my campus and work to ensure that my lessons reach as many students as possible.

Means of Engagement, Build Guideline 8, Sustaining Effort & Persistence, checkpoint 8.3 Foster collaboration and community. When students work in the library, they are allowed to work in groups, and even get to choose their own groups.  Students work with the librarian to create the expectations when starting. When working in groups, students take turns being the different roles for the task given. 

My goal is to add:
Means of Action & Expression, Build Guideline 5, Expression & Communication, checkpoint 5.1, Use multiple media for communication. I would like for all of my students to be able to express themselves in a way that is prefered to them. Allowing them the option of having a choice to do will not only help them become successful at the project/task, but also showcase the different ways that their peers are able to present similar material.  
  • For my goal to be implemented and be successful I would need to be familiar with the different ways that the students may already present their work.  I will need to be familiar not only with the different learning styles, but ways that the students with those styles work best. Collaboration with teachers is also key, as the projects may not be completed in one session. I want for students to have an opportunity to not only create with technology, but with “low tech” ways too. For that, I will need to ensure that our district ed tech integrationist is utilized when they are on campus, as well as making sure that I continue my own personal professional development with technology & techniques. For the “low tech” piece, I may need to reach out to our community members in order to have the different supplies that our students may need to create more hands on/low tech projects.  I am hoping that having a modified flexible schedule will be an option for next year as another way to help make this goal reachable, as it will allow more collaboration in the library.  
  • 4 Types of Learning Styles: How to Accommodate a Diverse Group of Students https://www.rasmussen.edu/degrees/education/blog/types-of-learning-styles/

I would like to add this also, but I will need some help to implement fully:
Means of Action & Expression, Build Guideline 5, Expression & Communication, checkpoint 5.2, Use multiple tools for construction and composition. I believe that allowing students to use different tools, I will be helping them become better learners, allows them to expand their ability to express what they have learned/what they know, and allows all types of learners to be successful.  
  • In order to best implement and be successful I will need the “buy in” from the teacher & will involve a lot of collaboration between us.  I believe that knowing the ways that students are already completing work will help me know which ways they could “go.” Students need to be allowed to use tools/technology that are a match to them and their current ability to complete the current task given.  I believe that having the proper tool technology available will also be very important, a student that struggles with putting his work on paper, may need to work with a device enabled with voice-to-text.  I think allowing students to have the ways to best express themselves will not only have them be successful but they will also be able to best retain the information and may even dig deeper into their learning than before.  Again, I believe that I need to be familiar not only with the different learning styles, but ways that the students with those styles work best. Collaboration with teachers is also key, as the projects may not be completed in one session. I am hoping that having a modified flexible schedule will be an option for next year as another way to help make this goal reachable, as it will allow more collaboration in the library.  I will need to ensure that our district ed tech integrationist is utilized when they are on campus, as well as making sure that I continue my own personal professional development with technology & techniques.  I will work with our Technology Management Systems department to ensure that the needed technology tools (ie: voice to text compatibility) are available in the technology that the students are using. 


  1. I enjoyed reading your blog and I agree that collaboration will be so important to the success of UDL. It's such a big picture way of looking at the education of a student but the more I study it, the more it makes sense.

    1. Yes! When I first saw this document, I was very overwhelmed, I'm glad I was able to look at it again and really break it down to best understand it. I really liked that it was interactive!


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