YA Lit Textbook ch 16 review

Ch 16 Crowd-sourced List of Middle School Authors

This list of middle school authors that was crowd-sourced allows us to see the difference in authors that have written books for middle school/middle grade.  The list may be “complete” in the sense that all participants have answered, but new authors are always emerging and some cross over from adult books to ya, and same for authors of children’s books writing ya titles.  

Take Aways

Like mentioned above, this list will never be complete. Authors of ya books are changing in numbers.  As a media specialist/librarian, we need to know which authors are writing books for our patrons. We need to encourage students to not only read books with characters like them (mirrors), but also books written by authors like them.  Student should see that they too can write books and share the things that they know with others. The same way that books are promoted to share vicarious experiences, media specialists/librarians should share authors to students. On a different chapter of this textbook, it was noted that typically students that read serially grow to be avid readers; allowing readers to read all of the works by a certain author is a great way to allow that.  Also, students that have authors they like, allows media specialists/librarians to suggest other authors (alike or different than those) to them when they are ready.


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